W koszyku
Everything New Under the Sun / Anne Mazer ; illustrations by Monica Gesue. - First priting. - New York : Scholastic, 2003. - 105 stron : ilustracje ; 20 cm.
(The Amazing Days of Abby Hayes / Anne Mazer ; 10)
Abby Hayes is an ordinary fifth grader trying to invent a role for herself in a seemingly perfect world. This series combines the edge of BRIDGET JONES with a send-up of self-help books. Abby's best friend, Jessica, is away for the rest of the school year and Abby's other good friends seem to be spending more time with each other than they are with her. So when Grandma Emma invites Abby to come for a visit over spring vacation, Abby is thrilled--there has never been a better time to get away from home. But Abby's cousin Cleo is also spending the week with Grandma Emma. At first, Abby and Cleo don't get along at all. But working as a team on a bookmaking project shows them how much they have in common and brings them closer together.
Status dostępności:
Oddział dla dzieci
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. LO (1 egz.)
Strefa uwag:
Uwaga ogólna
Tekst w języku angielskim.
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